March 4, 2008

If you believe...

I think sometimes it takes someone challenging what you believe in for you to realize that you actually believe it. Over the past couple years, I know there have been times where I wasn't completely sure why I believed what I believed. Sometimes I feel like I'll never be able to back up my beliefs (but that's what I like about faith). Early on, I'd been a little apprehensive about taking a lot of religion courses in college; funny, because now it's my major. A lot of people told me in high school that you better know what you believe going into it because the classes you take will have the potential to break you. If anything, though, my religion courses have done the exact opposite. I love my intro and world religions classes. The more I read and learn about other religions and other "gods," the more I am able to defend what I believe. And the more I am thankful that I follow the Eternal One who is limitless and infinite. The God who loves me enough to put up with my doubts and struggles and disobedience. I would never choose another.

P.S. I think the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ" is terrible. We're watching it in my intro to religion class, and I think it's pointless. but whatever.

1 comment:

michael k said...

yeah, I agree..that movie is quite pathetic. But Im really glad to hear that youre so impassioned by your world religion classes kels : )