November 17, 2007

what good does us reason if we fail to see

I wish my friends weren't always on my side.

Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and am grateful for any and all support and love I get from them, but sometimes I just need them to tell me I'm being dumb. As much as it can and will hurt my feelings, I just need someone to cut me off every now and then and say, "Look, I love you. I've got your back, but right now, you're being stupid and a little immature. Maybe you need to take a step back and look at this situation from someone else's point of view. Think it over before you keep talking about this." Because I have a hard time looking at a problem or an argument from anyone's view besides mine. So if you feel the need to tell me that, but you're afraid I'll get upset, you're right. I will get upset. But then I'll take that step back and analyze my thinking and realize that you're right: I do need to grow up.

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