April 22, 2008

Much Love

Ok Rob beat me to the punch when he wrote his blog about how insane our friendship has been and how God works even if we're not noticing it, but I swear I planned to use him as an example in my blog before he did. So, with that said, Rob is my best friend. We spend a lot of time around each other, and I think it's safe to say that he knows me better than anyone; not just that he can tell you things about me, but that he understands my personality and my reactions to things and my emotions. He's experienced just about every ridiculous emotion from me. He sees me at my best and at my worst and somehow manages to love me equally at both of those times. I've done some pretty stupid things, reacted very poorly to certain situations and allowed myself to give up and let my negative emotions control me. He knows my flaws, but he recognizes them without dwelling on them. He encourages me to move past them because he sees the potential in me.

I'm very limited in my scope of how big God is. I need to attach human characteristics all of the time in order to understand Him. I feel like sometimes I do keep Him in a box, but I need to start small with examples from my life to remember His love for me. (And that was my disclaimer so that no one thinks that I view Rob as equal to God in my life. That said,) Jesus' love for me is like my best friend's multiplied by a million. Jesus knows the things about me that even I've forgotten. He's heard every blasphemous, hateful, curse word-ridden thought I've ever had. He knows my deepest fears and my strongest doubts against Him. He sees my insecurities and my insufficiencies. He's seen me lie, cheat and steal. But somehow, at the end of the day--in a way I'll never understand--He still loves me as His daughter. He still speaks to the potential within me rather than dwelling on my flaws. He knows that I'm growing and that one day I will overcome the things that hold me back from Him. So I'm still trying to put God's love for me into perspective. And even aside from Rob(ert), I have plenty of people who show me that small fraction of what God's love for me is like. I just need to take all of that and learn how to magnify it, understand it and embrace it.


Robert Summers said...

Very nice. I like how we talk one night about blogging and both of us follow through with it the next day. Good stuff.

Robert out.

Deni said...

The title of this blog should be "Much Rupture"

haha. Lovely post.

Love you girl!!